781-429-7700 (P)
781-429-7701 (F)
Subacromial Impingement is one of the most common causes of shoulder pain. It occurs when the connective tissues and bones of the shoulder joint rub against each other leading to irritation and pain.
Risk Factors
Occupations or sports that require constant overhead motions will increase your risk of shoulder impingement
Minor pain is present at rest and with activity
Anterior and lateral radiating arm pain
Sudden pain with overhead movements
Pain at night
Loss of strength and/or motion
Radiographs may demonstrate evidence of proximal migration of the humerus (see picture), presence of osteophytes or bone spurs, and/or calcific deposits of the coracoacromial ligament
Conservative Options
1. Physical Therapy
2. Oral Anti-Inflammatory
3. Subacromial Injections
Surgical Options
If 4-6 months of conservative treatment methods have failed the patient should consider a subacromial decompression procedure. Depending on the extent of the injury, a rotator cuff repair may be done in conjunction with the subacromial decompression.
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